Red palm weevil treatment

We present the perfect solution for the treatment of red palm weevil in Alicante, Murcia, Valencia and Castellón: our premium treatment against red palm weevil! This carefully developed product is specifically designed to provide effective and long-lasting protection against red palm weevil infestations, without causing any damage to your palm trees.

Our treatment is easy to apply and provides immediate relief from the damaging effects of red palm weevil. Plus, it's environmentally friendly and non-toxic, so you can rest assured that your palm trees will be safe and sound. With our red palm weevil treatment, you can rest assured that your palm trees will be free of weevil infestations and look beautiful all year round.

Red palm weevil treatment

At Raíz Verde we are constantly updated to keep up to date with the latest developments in the industry and protect your palm trees against any type of pest. We are specialists in the treatment for the elimination of the red palm weevil and the Processionary.

The red palm weevil it mostly affects Date Palms and Canary Palms. In their larval stage they feed on the inside of the trunk of the palm tree, causing structural damage and if they are not treated in time, they could cause the death of the specimen.

It is recommended to carry out a fumigation in date palms and canary every 2 or 3 months with the appropriate products to avoid this pest.

Type of palm trees most attacked by red palm weevil

Tratamiento picudo rojo
Canary Island palm tree (Phoenix canariensis) This is the species most affected by this pest. In fact, palm trees of this type that are not fumigated with phytosanitary products, sooner or later will be affected by the red palm weevil, so it is important to treat red palm weevil.
Date palms (Phoenix dactilifera) It is the second species most affected by the pest, and although it is a lower probability than in the Canary Palms, the risk remains high. For this species, we recommend a treatment with organic products and fumigation with phytosanitary products.
Palmito (Washingtonia robusta or filifera) This is the species that the red palm weevil attacks the least. So much so, that it is very strange to find this pest in the Palmitos, although it is possible that it affects it. We recommend taking action when symptoms of the red palm weevil are seen in this species. If you think your palm trees may be infected and you need a red palm weevil treatment or for some other pest, call us as soon as possible. Every day counts in the fight against pests.

To the question What are the palm trees that the red palm weevil attacks? There are several answers and there are several palm trees victims of this plague. The most affected are: the Canary Island palm (Phoenix Canariensis), the date palm (Phoenix dactylifera) and the oil palm (Elaeis guineensis).

If you have any of these types of palm trees and think they may be infected and you need a red palm weevil treatment, call us as soon as possible. Every day counts.

Red palm weevil treatment

Phases of red palm weevil infection

Tratamiento picudo fase inicial

Early red palm weevil infection

1Ra Phase

In this phase, with the naked eye we can observe a small deviation from the main eye of the palm tree, that is, in the nascent leaves. We will also find marks of bites in some of its leaves of triangular or circular shape. It is important to note that before performing a Height pruning We have to be sure that the palm tree is infected.

2Gives Phase

At this time of infection we can visualize a greater deviation of the main eye of the palm tree. There is also a decline in some palms, caused by the loss of their natural rigidity, because the weevil larvae are beginning to feed on the fastenings of the palm to the trunk.

Red palm weevil infection in critical stage

3Ra Phase

At this circumstance, the palm tree is in a critical state. This means that, in the event that the specimen is saved, it will be marked for life.

The main sign of infection that we can find at this stage is a pronounced inclination of the main eye of the palm tree. Therefore, if a correction is not applied in time, it could quickly evolve to a Phase 4. This means that the chances of recovery would be quite low, even causing the death of the specimen. At this stage, it is necessary to act quickly if you want to save the palm tree.

4Ta Phase

This is the last phase in which the palm tree is considered to have some chance of recovery. This probability depends only on the situation of the larvae of the red palm weevil, whether they have touched the yolk of the specimen or not.

In the event that they have not touched the yolk or it is partially taken, the palm tree will have to be thoroughly evaluated to plan the best possible action. Visually, we will observe the main eye of the palm tree completely drooping, practically looking towards the ground. Also, the vast majority of the leaves that accompany it will show signs of decay.

Tratamiento picudo fase de emergencia
Tratamiento picudo fase terminal

End-stage red palm weevil infection

5Ta Phase

It is considered that the palm tree has reached this last stage when a professional verifies that the larvae have finished with the yolk of the specimen, making its recovery unviable.

The visual appearance of the palm tree in this case is very similar to that of Phase 4. But if this situation has developed for a long time, we will find the main eye of the palm tree completely detached and the palms decayed or dry.

At this point, the only possible solution is Cutting down the palm tree, not because the red palm weevil treatment was not effective but because it was not started in time.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us. We will be very happy to assist you.

At Raíz verde we are always available to answer any questions or emergencies at any time, even on weekends or holidays.

Red palm weevil treatment

Palm tree fumigation methods for the treatment of red palm weevil

Spray with gun

By spraying with a gun we achieve a highly effective result in the red palm weevil treatment, since the angle of application is very wide. In this way, a large part of the palm tree can be fumigated with a quick application. This product is left on the palm trees so that it impregnates well and prevents the development of the pest.

Tratamiento picudo rojo pistola
Tratamiento picudo rojo pértiga

Pole use

This method in the red palm weevil treatment is used for the tallest specimens, which cannot be completely fumigated with the gun due to its short range.

The pole allows the entire specimen to be fumigated correctly, since it positions the product wall tube in a higher position. With a pole we can fumigate all the Walloon and the central leaves of the palm tree effectively.

Injections or endotherapy

To carry out this technique within the red palm weevil treatment, we make injections of product that perforate the trunk of the specimen and protect it from the inside. If this technique will be performed on Phoenix Canariensis specimens, from Raíz Verde we recommend that the product be complemented with some spraying.

Tratamiento picudo rojo inyección

At Raíz Verde, our priority is to save any specimen, even if the damage is great. In case there is nothing to do, we make available our Logging Services and collection of remains.

Gardening tips:

Maintain pest control: Use organic and natural methods to control pests, such as beneficial predators, traps, and natural repellents.

At Raíz Verde, we offer the highest quality palm trees at competitive prices. We simplify your experience by providing transportation and planting. Beautify your exterior with the perfect palm tree today. Browse our selection on our Sale of palm trees and bring your vision of stunning outdoor space to life.